Sabbatical Support

Early each fall, the Dean of the Faculty will invite eligible faculty to apply for a sabbatical leave in the following academic year. Proposals will be reviewed by the Faculty Research and Development Board.

Please see the Sept. 2023 call on the Dean of Faculty Internal Grants page.

As noted in the Faculty Handbook, Faculty Personnel Policies and Financial Matters, Section XII.A.: "All tenure-track and adjunct faculty members are eligible to apply every sixth year for a sabbatical leave to be taken in the seventh year since the previous sabbatical leave (or, initially, since beginning employment at Colorado College). Faculty may choose full-year or half-year sabbatical leaves-an eight-Block leave at five-ninths salary or a four-Block leave at full salary. In addition to their initial seventh-year sabbatical leave, untenured faculty members are also eligible for a four-block sabbatical in the year following a positive third-year review. For adjunct faculty, six teaching Blocks count as one academic year of full-time service."

1) Applicants have the following options:

a) Full-year sabbaticals (eight blocks) will be paid at the rate of 5/9 the individual's regular full year salary.

b) Half-year sabbaticals (four blocks) will receive full pay. Tenured faculty awarded half-year sabbaticals will teach three blocks during the sabbatical year. They will be eligible for a block without teaching (but with other normal faculty obligations) during the half year they are not on leave. Adjunct faculty awarded half-year sabbaticals will teach half of their regular teaching load. They will receive full pay (adjusted according to regular teaching load). Faculty on sabbatical leave will not be eligible for other release blocks during that year. Please specify the semester in which you plan on taking the leave.

c) Tenure-track faculty may apply for an early sabbatical as described in the Faculty Handbook. The award of an early sabbatical is contingent upon the successful completion of the pre-tenure review, and is limited to a half a year. Those who are reviewed in their second year at the College are also eligible to apply. Faculty awarded an early sabbatical may still apply for a regular sabbatical during their sixth year at the College to be taken in the seventh year.

2) Sabbatical leaves provide an opportunity for professional growth and intellectual enrichment. Applicants will be asked to include a description of the professional activities and projects proposed for the sabbatical period and an explanation of how the leave may contribute to one's scholarly productivity and/or effective teaching; 2) a timetable that includes proposed activities and when they will take place; 3) a current curriculum vitae. Applicants will be asked to send an electronic copy of their proposal to Karen Obrzut (, typically by the second Friday of Block 2.

3) Chairs and Program Directors will be asked to provide an impact statement indicating whether they recommend the Dean's approval of the sabbatical leave. Explain how the leave, if approved, would affect staffing in the department or program. Department Chairs and Program Directors will be asked to send the impact statement to Karen Obrzut ( typically by the second Friday of Block 2.


Report an issue - Last updated: 09/22/2023