Working with CC's Grants Office
Colorado College's Grants Office, formally known as the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations, coordinates efforts to obtain external funding from foundations and corporations for projects that are "institutional" in nature. For this reason, the Grants Office provides support to faculty members developing institutional, collaborative, outreach, or curriculum development projects. Faculty members and program administrators seeking assistance with such institutional efforts should consult with the Dean prior to contacting the Grants Office.
Grants Office functions include:
- Identifying and managing relationships between Colorado College and grant programs at foundations and government agencies;
- Researching potential funding opportunities for Colorado College programs;
- Responding to RFPs (request for proposals) for institutional support.
Grants Office services include:
- Offering advice about funding strategies and helping research potential funding sources;
- Providing information about federal agency and foundation programs;
- Assisting with the development of a grant proposal and reading drafts; and
The Grants Office is responsible for managing the College's relationships with all foundations and corporations. Therefore they request that faculty members contact them prior to engaging in any contact with these entities.
Initiating Contact
With encouragement from the Dean, faculty should contact:
Laura Hines, Director
Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations, Advancement Division, Spencer Center