You at CC

Welcome to YOU at CC!

You at CC

Check in with yourself on YOU at Colorado College and find resources to make the most of your semester. This online portal helps Colorado College students succeed in academics and career readiness, thrive in areas of personal wellness, and matter by finding motivation and involvement. In each of these three core areas, users can take Reality Check quizzes to assess their current strengths and challenges. Based on this secure information, the system serves up on-campus resources, wellness tips, modules, and other helpful tools based on your needs. From here, students can save resources, commit to take action and set goals. 


Scan the QR code below or click the link to go through a 5-min walkthrough to get a more hands on look at how YOU@CC can help you. 

You at CC Walkthrough QR Code

Are you ready to make an account? Sign up here


Report an issue - Last updated: 01/28/2025